Saturday, August 28, 2010


I have finished my first three days as a Senior with the realization that this may not be so bad! I am taking 4 classes and doing an internship and I believe I will be able to handle it (mainly because one of those classes is meditation and who can't relax after meditating?).

The one class that I thought would be stressing me out is Senior seminar. This is the one class every senior dreads! With senior seminar comes a senior thesis! This semester I will be working on my psychology senior thesis, which will actually work out pretty great! I have decided on a topic and have only attended the class once so far. I'm thinking Pastoral Counseling or something like The Psychology of Faith and Spirituality. Obviously I haven't narrowed down a title or specifics or anything but I got a start!

Meditation will definitely keep me grounded and relaxed...unless all the reading kills me! And history will be blah but it's just a class to help me get the correct number of credits to graduate!

Developmental Psychology. What else is there to say other than as I continue through this class this semester I expect to start as a baby and slowly develop into a beautiful young woman before finding out that eventually I die.

Not the most intriguing post but life isn't always exciting or intriguing. Oh well.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Senior Year!!!!!


This my friends is my final year of attending college as an undergrad! I put it this way simply because I have no ideas yet of what my future will hold, but there's no doubt that a book lover like me who loves sitting in a classroom learning from others can stay away for too long. I am sure that I will end up in grad school at some point down the road (though definitely not right away). I know that sounds strange. Book lover? Loves sitting in a classroom? HECK YES! I am definitely a geek, a weirdo, put it however you may. I just find something exhilerating about walking into a classroom and learning new information from someone who knows their stuff! Why wouldn't you want to learn from others so that you too may one day be able to teach someone else?

So my senior year. I've finally reached it and am celebrating it by being more outgoing and random as ever before. As my friend/boss put it: I've acquired a bit of SASSINESS! I accept this comment because I know that it just means I am putting myself out there. I am trying not to fear the unknown and trying not to care what others think. You see, I am an upperclassmen (or woman) and I feel it is my duty as such, to show the new freshmen that you can step out of your comfort zone. You can try something new. And maybe, just maybe, they may find themselves where I am now. A senior who has come a long way from that shy, quiet freshmen who stepped onto Mount Mercy College's campus and has become a more confident, skilled, and accepting/outgoing woman as I get ready to embark on my final year at what is now Mount Mercy University.

I am a proud mustang. I am a loving daughter, friend, and fellow student. I am an RA who loves the opportunity to be there for the new students. I am a sister who loves her siblings and misses them more and more everyday. I am an aunt who cares deeply for each of my nephews and would give anything to be able to hold them and give them a great big hug. I am a person who loves to give hugs. I am a psychology and sociology major who will be starting internships this year along with working on a senior thesis each semester. I am unsure of what my future holds. I am unsure of whether I want to work with troubled teens or explore a career in Christian counseling.

I am ME.

Senior year, I'm ready!!!